There are instructions on the Oracle Linux forum on Technet
( for fixing that problem. it involves installing
some libraries which are generally not installed by default and setting an
environment variable (it's basically setting up the proper version of libc

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Peter J . Holzer wrote:

> On 2001-09-26 14:12:07 -0700, That Jeff Guy wrote:
> > Philip Daggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > I am trying to install DBD::Oracle on a Redhat Linux 7.1 box for the
> > > sole purpose of connecting to a remote Oracle server.
> >
> > Oracle is pretty rediculous. They require you to download the entire
> > enterprise package, just to install the client software you need.
> Also be careful which version you get. Oracle 8.1.7 doesn't seem to like
> Redhat 7.1 (the installer just hangs shortly after startup), so you will
> need Oracle 9i, which was only certified for SuSE last time I looked
> (although the requirements (Kernel 2.4.x and glibc 2.2) are met by RH
> 7.1, too, so it would probably work).
>       hp

Cliff Nadler            Collective Technologies, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    (512)-263-5500
To win, you must treat a pressure situation as an opportunity to succeed,
not an opportunity to fail                      Gardner Dickinson

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