Hi Nilanjan

> I have a basic question on building the DBI and DBD. Can I build DBI and
> DBD on a machine where there is no database installed. Basically the
> DBD module. My set up is like this. I have an Application server and a
> database server. The database server will have the oracle database and
> the Application server will have the application installed. I will have
> some Perl scripts(which uses DBI) on the Application server.

I think you have three alternatives.  The first is to use DBD::Oracle on your
remote application client, but to do this you'll need at the Oracle client
libraries, and network software, installed on the client.  The basic rule of
thumb is, if you can get Oracle's own SQL*Plus to talk to your server-based
Oracle database, you'll be able to get Perl DBI, via DBD::Oracle, to talk to
your Oracle database, too! :-)

The second alternative is to move either your application software to your
Oracle machine or vice versa.  Not pretty, I know, but an option.

The third is to abandon DBD::Oracle on the remote client (as you need at least
the Oracle client libs), and to use Jochen Wiedman's incredible ProxyServer and
DBD::Proxy combination (which come automatically with DBI) to access
DBD::Oracle installed on the Oracle database machine.  You can find out more
about both, here:

=> http://search.cpan.org/doc/TIMB/DBI-1.20/lib/DBI/ProxyServer.pm
=> http://search.cpan.org/doc/TIMB/DBI-1.20/lib/DBD/Proxy.pm

To run these, you'll need some other Perl modules installed, before you install

Storable # As used by the two RPC modules below
RPC::PlServer # Within the PlRPC package
RPC::PlClient # Within the PlRPC package

You can read more about these, here:

=> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/RAM/
=> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/RAM/Storable-1.0.14.readme
=> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/JWIED/
=> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/JWIED/PlRPC-0.2016.readme
=> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/JWIED/Net-Daemon-0.36.readme

ProxyServer is amazing stuff.  You might just want to look at it anyway, even
if you have the Oracle client libraries?

Hope the above helps a bit! 8)

(Maybe when Perl6 comes out, Uncle Tim might be persuaded come up with a
Perl-Parrot-Java based "Thin" Oracle driver, which hooks into the same Oracle
database engine the thin Java JDBC driver uses?  Now _that_ would be fun!!! :)

>From Abingdon, England; Merry Crimbo *<|:-)


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