Title: Message
Hi all,
I am compiling (using nmake) DBD-Informix-1.00.PC2 on Win2k but cant get it working.
I have the following versions:
IBM IIF 9.30.TC1R1
ActiveState Perl 5.6 Build 631
DBI 1.14
IFMX Client SDK 2.70
The Makefile.PL seems to go OK... so is the nmake.....
But "nmake test" gives me a shitload of errors....
And the install is OK I guess..... But when I try to connect to the DB.... sometimes it works....
and sometimes it doesnt....(around 90% failure.)
I attached the files which contain the errors.
I tried to discuss this with TechSupport but they want to test it themselves..... I was wondering
if one of you would have a faster answer :)
        C:\perl\bin\perl.exe -IC:\perl\lib -IC:\perl\lib -MExtUtils::Command -e cp 
InformixTechSupport blib\script\InformixTechSupport
        C:\perl\bin\perl.exe -IC:\perl\lib -IC:\perl\lib  -e "system qq[pl2bat.bat 
].shift" blib\script\InformixTechSupport
        C:\perl\bin\perl.exe -Mblib -IC:\perl\lib -IC:\perl\lib -e "use Test::Harness 
qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;" t\t00basic.t t\t01stproc.t 
t\t05dbase.t t\t07dblist.t t\t10sqlca.t t\t12bindval.t t\t13bindref.t t\t14bindcol.t 
t\t20error.t t\t21mconn.t t\t22mconn.t t\t23mconn.t t\t24mcurs.t t\t25dratt.t 
t\t28dtlit.t t\t29update.t t\t30update.t t\t31nulls.t t\t32nulls.t t\t40rows.t 
t\t41trans.t t\t42trans.t t\t43trans.t t\t44trans.t t\t46chpblk.t t\t50update.t 
t\t53types.t t\t54native.t t\t55mdata.t t\t56tabinfo.t t\t57tables.t t\t60unlog.t 
t\t65updcur.t t\t72blob.t t\t73blob.t t\t74blob.t t\t75blob.t t\t76blob.t t\t80prim.t 
t\t81orig.t t\t82number.t t\t83oconn.t t\t90ius.t t\t91udts.t t\t99clean.t
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 6-41
        Failed 36/41 tests, 12.20% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-9
        Failed 8/9 tests, 11.11% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-19
        Failed 18/19 tests, 5.26% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-7
        Failed 6/7 tests, 14.29% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-7
        Failed 6/7 tests, 14.29% okay
t\t13bindref........skipped test on this platform
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-7
        Failed 6/7 tests, 14.29% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-5
        Failed 4/5 tests, 20.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-22
        Failed 21/22 tests, 4.55% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 3-8
        Failed 6/8 tests, 25.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 3-12
        Failed 10/12 tests, 16.67% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-17
        Failed 16/17 tests, 5.88% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-10
        Failed 9/10 tests, 10.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-3
        Failed 3/3 tests, 0.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-40
        Failed 39/40 tests, 2.50% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-7
        Failed 6/7 tests, 14.29% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-7
        Failed 6/7 tests, 14.29% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-9
        Failed 8/9 tests, 11.11% okay
t\t41trans..........skipped test on this platform
t\t42trans..........skipped test on this platform
t\t44trans..........skipped test on this platform
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-22
        Failed 21/22 tests, 4.55% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-9
        Failed 8/9 tests, 11.11% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-5
        Failed 4/5 tests, 20.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-5
        Failed 4/5 tests, 20.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-4
        Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-6
        Failed 5/6 tests, 16.67% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-5
        Failed 4/5 tests, 20.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-8
        Failed 7/8 tests, 12.50% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-13
        Failed 12/13 tests, 7.69% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 3-15
        Failed 13/15 tests, 13.33% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 3-15
        Failed 13/15 tests, 13.33% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-14
        Failed 13/14 tests, 7.14% okay
t\t75blob...........skipped test on this platform
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-8
        Failed 7/8 tests, 12.50% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-8
        Failed 7/8 tests, 12.50% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-11
        Failed 10/11 tests, 9.09% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-10
        Failed 9/10 tests, 10.00% okay
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
        Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
        Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
Failed Test    Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\t00basic.t       5  1280    41   36  87.80%  6-41
t\t01stproc.t      5  1280     9    8  88.89%  2-9
t\t05dbase.t       5  1280    19   18  94.74%  2-19
t\t10sqlca.t       5  1280     7    6  85.71%  2-7
t\t12bindval.t     5  1280     7    6  85.71%  2-7
t\t14bindcol.t     5  1280     7    6  85.71%  2-7
t\t20error.t       5  1280     5    4  80.00%  2-5
t\t21mconn.t       5  1280    22   21  95.45%  2-22
t\t22mconn.t       5  1280     8    6  75.00%  3-8
t\t23mconn.t       5  1280    12   10  83.33%  3-12
t\t24mcurs.t       5  1280    17   16  94.12%  2-17
t\t28dtlit.t       5  1280    10    9  90.00%  2-10
t\t29update.t      5  1280     3    3 100.00%  1-3
t\t30update.t      5  1280    40   39  97.50%  2-40
t\t31nulls.t       5  1280     7    6  85.71%  2-7
t\t32nulls.t       5  1280     7    6  85.71%  2-7
t\t40rows.t        5  1280     9    8  88.89%  2-9
t\t46chpblk.t      5  1280    22   21  95.45%  2-22
t\t50update.t      5  1280     9    8  88.89%  2-9
t\t53types.t       5  1280     5    4  80.00%  2-5
t\t54native.t      5  1280     5    4  80.00%  2-5
t\t55mdata.t       5  1280     4    4 100.00%  1-4
t\t56tabinfo.t     5  1280     6    5  83.33%  2-6
t\t57tables.t      5  1280     5    4  80.00%  2-5
t\t60unlog.t       5  1280     8    7  87.50%  2-8
t\t65updcur.t      5  1280    13   12  92.31%  2-13
t\t72blob.t        5  1280    15   13  86.67%  3-15
t\t73blob.t        5  1280    15   13  86.67%  3-15
t\t74blob.t        5  1280    14   13  92.86%  2-14
t\t76blob.t        5  1280     8    7  87.50%  2-8
t\t80prim.t        5  1280     8    7  87.50%  2-8
t\t81orig.t        5  1280    11   10  90.91%  2-11
t\t82number.t      5  1280    10    9  90.00%  2-10
t\t90ius.t         5  1280    ??   ??       %  ??
t\t91udts.t        5  1280    ??   ??       %  ??
t\t99clean.t       5  1280     1    1 100.00%  1
5 tests skipped.
        C:\perl\bin\perl.exe -IC:\perl\lib -IC:\perl\lib -MExtUtils::Command -e cp 
InformixTechSupport blib\script\InformixTechSupport
        C:\perl\bin\perl.exe -IC:\perl\lib -IC:\perl\lib  -e "system qq[pl2bat.bat 
].shift" blib\script\InformixTechSupport
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\auto\DBD\Informix\Informix.bs (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\auto\DBD\Informix\Informix.dll (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\auto\DBD\Informix\Informix.exp (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\auto\DBD\Informix\Informix.lib (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\DBD\Informix.pm (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\DBD\Informix\Configuration.pm (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\DBD\Informix\Summary.pm (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\DBD\Informix\TechSupport.pm (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\DBD\Informix\TestHarness.pm (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\site\lib\Bundle\DBD\Informix.pm (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\bin\InformixTechSupport (unchanged)
Skipping C:\perl\bin\InformixTechSupport.bat (unchanged)
Writing C:\perl\site\lib\auto\DBD\Informix\.packlist
Appending installation info to C:\perl\lib/perllocal.pod

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