Here is the deal : I have a script that does quite a bit mysql
manipulation everything works super except one simple delete statement

print $query; 
This is copied and pasted from the above print statement        : 
DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='10' OR ID='9' OR ID='8' OR ID='7' 

$dbh->do($query) or die "Can not execute $query :" . $dbh->errstr .

It does delete the first record specified ( in this case ID='10' ) 
it acts as if the query where just : DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='10'

I get no error messages, it goes on and finishes displaying the page.
When I've had bad queries before it would just stop at the 'do'
statement and not finish printing the html out for the rest of the page.

If I paste that query into the mysql>prompt it works like a charm and
deletes all. ( with an added semi colon of course )

i've usd the prepare/execue method, I've had it do execute a query for
each id : 
foreach $ID(@ids) {
        $query = "DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID=\'$ID\'";
        print "$query \n";
        $dbh->do($query) or die "Can not execute $query :" .
$dbh->errstr ."\n";
        $query = '';
 results in this output :

        DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='8' 
        DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='9' 
        DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='10' 
It acts as if only 'DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='8'' is being executed
or executed each time but $query is different each time in the print

all have the exact same result - only the first record specified gets
deleted,( ID='8' above )the script behaves as if the query went ok, but
they are still
there and if I copy and paste the query into the command line it works

Here's what I got :

perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd
mysql 323
DBI 1.21

Why isn't it doing the entire query from my script?



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