>1) is the id field a character? in other words, do you need the
>quotes?  id='10' ??

>2) why not just use

>DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID in ('7','8','9','10')  

Good question I'll try that way. I also have the same prob for and
statement. I'll try it on both. Thanks



--- Dan Muey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is the deal : I have a script that does quite a bit mysql
> manipulation everything works super except one simple delete
> statement
> print $query; 
> This is copied and pasted from the above print statement      : 
> DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='10' OR ID='9' OR ID='8' OR ID='7' 
> $dbh->do($query) or die "Can not execute $query :" . $dbh->errstr .
> "\n";
> It does delete the first record specified ( in this case ID='10' ) 
> it acts as if the query where just : DELETE FROM customer WHERE
> ID='10'
> I get no error messages, it goes on and finishes displaying the
> page.
> When I've had bad queries before it would just stop at the 'do'
> statement and not finish printing the html out for the rest of the
> page.
> If I paste that query into the mysql>prompt it works like a charm
> and
> deletes all. ( with an added semi colon of course )
> i've usd the prepare/execue method, I've had it do execute a query
> for
> each id : 
> foreach $ID(@ids) {
>       $query = "DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID=\'$ID\'";
>       print "$query \n";
>       $dbh->do($query) or die "Can not execute $query :" .
> $dbh->errstr ."\n";
>       $query = '';
> }
>  results in this output :
>       DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='8' 
>       DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='9' 
>       DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='10' 
> It acts as if only 'DELETE FROM customer WHERE ID='8'' is being
> executed
> or executed each time but $query is different each time in the
> print
> statement.
> all have the exact same result - only the first record specified
> gets
> deleted,( ID='8' above )the script behaves as if the query went ok,
> but
> they are still
> there and if I copy and paste the query into the command line it
> works
> fine.
> Here's what I got :
> perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd
> mysql 323
> DBI 1.21
> Why isn't it doing the entire query from my script?
> Thanks
> Dan

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