Ok, I didn't know what list to send this to, since it incorporates a lots of different 
things, DBI, basic perl stuff, etc., so please excuse this intrusion on your list, if 
it isnt supposed to be there.  If you know a better list for me to submit this to, 
please let me know.
Basically, I am asking for your comments about this code I wrote.  I am relatively new 
to perl, and this is one of my first major projects I worked on using perl, and would 
like feedback to things that I did wrong with relation to perl, ie error checking, 
better ways to do something
using better perl syntax etc.  Functionally, this program works, and is in use today, 
but I would to make perl a standard here, and getting more knowledge is a good thing, 
If you are interested, read on, otherwise delete message here:

This program will call a sqr program inside it, change the output file to html, and 
send this via email to a recipient.  The code should be pretty well commented in 
respects to what it is doing.  If there are any questions. feel free to ask.

Attachment: Elead.pl
Description: Perl program

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