On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 08:52:39 -0800, "Abtahi, Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>said:
>Thanks Jeff.
>I have installed ActivePerl on windows and used their PPM. PPM goes over
>internet and downloads DBI (no need to re-compile). It works very nice
>without any problem.
>As you saw in many emails, Sun does not give "cc" for free, and Perl is
>compiled with Forte C++/C. When I used GCC, I ran to all kinds of problems
>which are listed in internet (if you search for "optional language package
>not installed"). The solution I guess is to compile Perl with GCC too.

Yes. If you want to do your own compiling and abandon PPM

>Now what I have done, I installed a "demo" version of workshop just to be
>able to compile DBI.pm.
>Tell me please:
>If I compile DBI on one sun workstation, can I some how get the generated
>library use it on all other sun workstations?

Yes. I do not know how well the method is "supported", but I use it at work to install 
modules on compiler-less production machines. Here is what we do:

1) We build one machine, the reference machine. It has Perl installed with Oracle and 
Sybase clients. If you use a different DBD, install its client software that on the 
production machine. It's OS is patched to a known rev level.
2) Each target machine must have the same OS, patched to the same rev level. It must 
also have the SAME versions of whatever database client you are using in the SAME 
directory locations.
3) Build perl on the reference machine. Install all modules. I suggest that you build 
it in a location different than what came with the machine. Do not install over the 
existing version. It may be used by other software installed by your vendor and may be 
sensitive to the default version. I install my new Perls in /opt/perl and have a 
perl.sh script in /etc/profile.d that defines shell functions which modify PATH and 
PERL5LIB to point at the desired version.
4) make a tarball of /opt/perl/* minus the src directory.
5) copy the tarball to each target machine and unwind.

That bootstraps the entire operation.  For subsequent modules:

1) Install the module on the reference machine.
2) Find the .packlist file for the module
3) tar cvf module.tar --files_from=.packlist
4) Copy module.tar to the target machines and unwind.

Check your packlist files. Perl 5.6.1 has a bug that strips the paths from the 
filenames in the packlist. I have the patch to fix this at work, if you need it. You 
would have to patch one of the core modules and reinstall all CPAN modules. No code 
will change, but the .packlists will be rebuilt.

You may need to modify this heavily to play nice with workshop.

Good luck.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Urlwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 11:19 AM
>To: Abtahi, Ali; 'Ronald J Kimball'; Tim Bunce
>Subject: RE: (Fwd) [Fwd] [perl #18355] Perl DBI
>> This is good idea. Thanks
>> Your best bet is to recompile perl with gcc then install DBI.
>Not that I would do it, or have tried, but for those wanting binary
>downloads instead of building it themselves, I believe ActiveState has a
>solaris port (and linux, for that matter) and PPM installable packages.  I
>prefer building myself, but it is an option to check out ActiveState's
Matthew O. Persico

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