file: $CPAN/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.32.tar.gz
  size: 277594 bytes
   md5: 5a6b8fb4433da1a9363a0b2ab1d6f21e

=head2 Changes in DBI 1.32,    1st December 2002

  Fixed to work with 5.005_03 thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (I've not tested it).
  Reenabled taint tests (accidentally left disabled) spotted by Bradley Baetz.
  Improved docs for FetchHashKeyName attribute thanks to Ian Barwick.
  Fixed core dump if fetchrow_hashref given bad argument (name of attribute
    with a value that wasn't an array reference), spotted by Ian Barwick.
  Fixed some compiler warnings thanks to David Wheeler.
  Updated Steven Hirsch's enhanced proxy work (seems I left out a bit).
  Made t/40profile.t tests more reliable, reported by Randy, who is part of
    the excellent CPAN testers team:
    (Please visit, see the valuable work they do and, ideally, join in!)

  Unresolved issues:
    Had one report from CPAN testers of test t/42prof_data failing
    with a syntax error in the profile data file, but I've not been
    able to reproduce it.  If you encounter this you can ignore it
    unless you need to use the new DBI::ProfileDumper/DBI::ProfileData
    modules (but please report it to me directly with a copy of the data file and your "perl -V" output, thanks).

=head1 Changes in DBI 1.31,    29th November 2002
  The fetchall_arrayref method, when called with a $maxrows parameter,
    no longer gives an error if called again after all rows have been
    fetched. This simplifies application logic when fetching in batches.
    Also added batch-fetch while() loop example to the docs.
  The proxy now supports non-lazy (synchronous) prepare, positioned
    updates (for selects containing 'for update'), PlRPC config set
    via attributes, and accurate propagation of errors, all thanks
    to Steven Hirsch (plus a minor fix from Sean McMurray and doc
    tweaks from Michael A Chase).
  The DBI_AUTOPROXY env var can now hold the full dsn of the proxy driver
    plus attributes, like "dbi:Proxy(proxy_foo=>1):host=...".
  Added TaintIn & TaintOut attributes to give finer control over
    tainting thanks to Bradley Baetz.
  The RootClass attribute no longer ignores failure to load a module,
    but also doesn't try to load a module if the class already exists,
    with thanks to James FitzGibbon.
  HandleError attribute works for connect failures thanks to David Wheeler.
  The connect() RaiseError/PrintError message now includes the username.
  Changed "last handle unknown or destroyed" warning to be a trace message.
  Removed undocumented $h->event() method.
  Further enhancements to DBD::PurePerl accuracy.
  The CursorName attribute now defaults to undef and not an error.
  DBI::Profile changes:
    New DBI::ProfileDumper, DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache, and
    DBI::ProfileData modules (to manage the storage and processing
    of profile data), plus dbiprof program for analyzing profile
    data - with many thanks to Sam Tregar.
    Added $DBI::err (etc) tied variable lookup time to profile.
    Added time for DESTROY method into parent handles profile (used to be ignored).

  Documentation changes:
    Documented $dbh = $sth->{Database} attribute.
    Documented $dbh->connected(...) post-connection call when subclassing.
    Updated some minor doc issues thanks to H.Merijn Brand.
    Updated Makefile.PL example in DBI::DBD thanks to KAWAI,Takanori.
    Fixed execute_array() example thanks to Peter van Hardenberg.

  Changes for driver authors, not required but strongly recommended:
    Change DBIS to DBIc_DBISTATE(imp_xxh)   [or imp_dbh, imp_sth etc]
    Change DBILOGFP to DBIc_LOGPIO(imp_xxh) [or imp_dbh, imp_sth etc]
    Any function from which all instances of DBIS and DBILOGFP are
    removed can also have dPERLINTERP removed (a good thing).
    All use of the DBIh_EVENT* macros should be removed.
    Major update to DBI::DBD docs thanks largely to Jonathan Leffler.
    Add these key values: 'Err' => \my $err, 'Errstr' => \my $errstr,
    to the hash passed to DBI::_new_dbh() in your driver source code.
    That will make each $dbh have it's own $h->err and $h->errstr
    values separate from other $dbh belonging to the same driver.
    If you have a ::db or ::st DESTROY methods that do nothing
    you can now remove them - which speeds up handle destruction.


Just uploaded - may take a day or three to reach your favourite
CPAN mirror.



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