On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 11:49:19AM -0800, Scott Alexander wrote:
> I'm just started to prep a new machine for our web cluster.  Using CPAN,
> I tried to install DBI.  It made everything just fine, but when it went
> to tests, it failed t/40profile.  The test uses Time::HiRes which wasn't
> installed causing the failure.
> t/40profile.........Can't locate Time/HiRes.pm in @INC 
> (@INC contains: .<SNIP>.) at t/40profile.t line 183.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/40profile.t line 183.
> This is probably one of the questionable prereqs since DBI proper
> doesn't use it, but the test won't pass without it.  The code that does
> the use Time::HiRes is in an if (0) block, so it won't ever actually run
> the code that needs Time::HiRes.  Might be worth it to just comment out
> the use or that whole section maybe.

The tests were contributed code and I'd not spotted that part.
I'll fix it.



p.s. The DBI now has it's own function to return the high-res time
but I've not documenteted it yet (will do for next release):
$ perl -l -MDBI -e 'print DBI::dbi_time()'

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