Try this while statement:

while ( ($dailypath, $hostname) = $sth->fetchrow_array () ) {
                #Do Your Stuff Here

Hope this helps.

Iman Mayes

-----Original Message-----
From: chad kellerman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 9:29 AM
Subject: Does everything have to be returned as a array?

Hi guys,

    I am starting to work a lot with perl DBI and mysql a lot lately. 
One of the bigger issues that I am having is that whenever I do a select
statement to grab variable froma db..  is seems that they are always
returned as arrays.  

    It there a way I can issue a select statment an have it return two
variable, not arrays?   

For example...

 $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{
                SELECT dailypath, hostname FROM tblControl
                WHERE hostId = ?
                        } );
 $sth->execute ( 543 );
#--have it return these values-----#
 $dailyPath = "value of the dailypath in SELECT statement above";
 $hostname  = "value of hostname in SELECT statment above";
  $sth->finish ();

  I sure it has got to be something so simply that I am just over
looking.  It just seems that what I am doing now is just too much work
to grab a variable:

 $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{
                SELECT dailypath, hostname FROM tblProcess  
                WHERE hostId = ? 
                       } );
        $sth->execute ( 543 );
        $sth->bind_columns( \$dailypath, \$hostname  );
        while ( $sth->fetchrow_array () ) {
                push @dailypath, $dailypath;
                push @hostname, $hostname;
        $sth->finish ();

  then I just call the value as $dailypath[0] or $hostname[0] which
seems totaly stupid to me.  But it's working right now.  ;^)

  Hopefully some one can tear me up and tell me the corrct way to do

thanks for the abuse..and help


chad kellerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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