* chad kellerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-19 09:27]:
> Hi guys,

Hi, chad.

> I am starting to work a lot with perl DBI and mysql a lot lately. 
> One of the bigger issues that I am having is that whenever I do a select
> statement to grab variable froma db..  is seems that they are always
> returned as arrays.  

Have you seen selectrow_array?

>     It there a way I can issue a select statment an have it return two
> variable, not arrays? 

  my $sql = "SELECT dailypath, hostname FROM tblControl WHERE hostId = ?";
  my ($dailypath, $hostname) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql, undef, 543);


Unix is an operating system, OS/2 is half an operating system,
Windows is a shell, and DOS is a boot partition virus.
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