This really isn't a DBI question and might be better suited to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mailing list.

> Hello ,
>     I am writing a user registration script which once the 
> user has filled in the form it emails them a simple html 
> email with a link for them to click to validate that there 
> email address is real.
> i.e
> Print '<a 
> Href="

First off this link is bad it should dbe[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Click to validate</A href>;
> Ok so far but when the link is clicked the script will not 
> pick up the second variable I am using
Second you only have one key value pair

> $process = $ARGV[0];
> $somevariable = $ARGV[1];

Third ARGV is best suited for the command line. 
Use to parse input instead.
Fomr what it looks like from your script you nedd to make your link[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Then your script would be like

use CGI;

$cgi = new CGI;

$process = $cgi->param('proc');
$email = $cgi->param('email');

> if ($process EQ "confirm")
> {
> &do_something;
> }
> else
> {
> &do_somethingelse
> }
> I am relatively new to perl so I may be going about it in 
> completely the wrong way can anyone help me out here please.
> Thanks
> James

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