Try an Oracle list.

There's instruction for joining one at:


On Thursday 13 February 2003 06:36, Morrison Davis wrote:
> This is probably more of an oracle problem than DBI problem but I'm
> getting desperate. I can connect
> from any machine thats in the same domain as my server but not from any
> machine outside that domain.
> I get the ora-12545 error, target host does not exist. Listener is
> running and I can see entries in the listener log file from these other
> machines but they never connect succesfully. I'm suspicious of one
> thing, when I see the host names trying to access in the log file it
> does n't include their domain name I do see  their IP address so I'm not
> sure. I have read the perldoc on DBD::Oracle and tried all different
> connection methods but I get the same error tryin to use sqlplus too.
> Any advice would be much appreciated, my project is topped until I can
> figure this out.

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