On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 03:58:06PM +0700, Tran Huu Tri wrote:
> I installed  completely  like  ppm>install DBI
>                                          ppm>install DBD-ADO
> I have a problem which I hope that you help me.
> I try to write a program to access to MSSQL server but i don't know to 
> how to set driver to connect?
> Here is my program but it have some problem. Could you tell me what is 
> it and how to solve it?
> use DBI;
> $user ="sa";
> $password="";
> $dbase="pubs";
> $driver= "dbi:ado:"$dbase;
> $dbh=DBI->connect($driver,$user,$password) or die "\nError 
> ($DBI::err):$DBI::errstr\n";
> $dbh->disconnect;
> Error system out: DBD::ado initialisation failed: can't locate object 
> method "driver" via package "DBD::ado" at C:\perl/site/lib/DBI.pm
> Perhaps the capitalisation of DBD 'ado' isn't right.
> I look forward your help.

Reread the last line of the error message.


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