It's called the MyDoom virus. Everyone is getting it. I'm getting over 600 copies of it a day from everywhere. It finds all email addresses on an infeted computer and sends out emails as if they were *from* that address. So no, neither Matt nor other dbi-users are sending virii, but yes, their names will appear in the from field. Um, this hopefully doesn't need saying, but DON'T OPEN THE ATTACHMENTS. :-)


Hardy Merrill wrote:

Just checking - is everyone else seeing messages lately like the one
below, or is it just me.  The attachment is always ''.  The
messages may be valid and it might be our email server software here
doing this, but I'm not sure.  Looks suspect to me so I haven't opened
the attachment.  The message below was from [EMAIL PROTECTED] who I
recognize from this list.


Hardy Merrill

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/27/04 04:37AM >>>

The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary

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