Andy Hassall wrote:

 The general approach is to always use placeholders, and never directly
interpolate values into SQL statements. This should insulate you from
whatever encoding's needed. Constants in SQL are OK, but if you're putting

encoding as in quote()ing or encoding as in prepare/execute will handle making the binary data ok to use in the statement?
(do() does prepare/execute internally so isn't that the same thing???)

Perl variables in a statement, in most cases this is not the best choice.


   my $sth = $bh->prepare("UPDATE MyStuff SET BinaryGoodies=? WHERE ID=1");

So would this do it properly then?
$rv = $dbh->do('UPDATE MyStuff SET BinaryGoodies=? WHERE ID=1', undef, $binary_content_Q);


Thanks for the url, you'd think I would've looked there already :)

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