> > > It sounds like you have an older version of DBI (<1.37), for that you 
> > > need to use the old funky "func" style of calling driver methods, so 
> > > that same line would be:
> > > 
> > >        $dbh->func( $table_name, 'ThreeSharp', $file_name, >'ad_catalog');
> > 
> > You are correct, that is the fix, and it works great.
> But be aware that the func() method bypasses RaiseError/PrintError
> checks.
> Upgrading the DBI is the best path.

Please see below - I am under the (possibly mistaken) impression
I'm fairly up to date.

ppm> query *
Querying target 1 (ActivePerl
   1. ActivePerl-DocTools     [0.04] Perl extension for Documentation TOC
   2. ActiveState-Relocat~    [0.03] Relocate a Perl installation
   3. ActiveState-Rx          [0.60] Regular Expression Debugger
   4. AnyData                 [0.10] easy access to data in many formats
   5. Archive-Tar             [1.07] Manipulates TAR archives
   6. Compress-Zlib           [1.22] Interface to zlib compression
   7. Data-Dump               [1.01] Pretty printing of data structures
   8. DBD-AnyData             [0.05] DBI access to XML, CSV and other
   9. DBD-File                [0.22] Base class for writing DBI drivers
   for pl~
  10. DBI                     [1.42] Database independent interface for
  11. Digest-HMAC             [1.01] Keyed-Hashing for Message
  12. Digest-MD2              [2.03] Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm
  13. Digest-MD4               [1.1] Perl interface to the MD4 Algorithm
  14. Digest-SHA1             [2.06] Perl interface to the SHA-1
  15. ExtUtils-configPL        [1.1] Perl extension to automagiclly
  configure ~
  16. File-CounterFile        [1.01] Persistent counter class
  17. Filter                  [1.30] Source Filters
  18. Font-AFM                [1.18] Interface to Adobe Font Metrics
  19. HTML-Parser             [3.34] HTML parser class
  20. HTML-Tagset             [3.03] Data tables useful in parsing HTML
  21. HTML-TextToHTML         [1.12] convert plain text file to HTML
  22. HTML-Tree               [3.18] build and scan parse-trees of HTML
  23. IO-Zlib                 [1.01] IO:: style interface to
  24. libwin32                [0.21] A collection of extensions that aims
  to p~
  25. libwww-perl             [5.75] Library for WWW access in Perl
  26. MD5                     [2.02] Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm
  27. PPM3                     [3.1] Perl Package Manager: locate,
  install, up~
  28. SOAP-Lite               [0.55] Library for Simple Object Access
  29. Sort-Fields             [0.90] Sort lines containing delimited
  30. SQL-Statement           [1.09] SQL parsing and processing engine
  31. Tk                   [800.024] A Graphical User Interface Toolkit
  32. URI                     [1.27] Uniform Resource Identifiers
  (absolute an~
  33. Win32-AuthenticateU~    [0.02] Win32 User authentication for
  34. XML-Parser              [2.34] A Perl module for parsing XML
  35. XML-Simple              [2.09] Easy API to read/write XML (esp
  config fi~

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