On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 08:43, Kipp, James wrote:
> > 
> > Your program connects via SQL*net to the DB.  At insert time, 
> > you need to fetch a sequence, so you issue 'select 
> > seq.nextval from dual'.  Seems harmless enough until ...
> > 
> > 1.  The select statement must be passed across the SQL*Net connection.
> > 2.  The statement must be parsed.  Maybe the worst you will 
> > have here is a soft parse, but non the less, you are using 
> > the CPU for this.
> > 3.  The statement is executed and the fetch occurs.
> > 4.  The result is passed back to your program.
> > 5.  You bind the value (hopefully) to your statement handle.
> > 6.  You then execute the insert statement.
> > 
> > If you use a BEFORE INSERT trigger to fetch the sequence, you 
> > will eliminate steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from the flow.
> > 
> Great point. I think I will stay with the Before insert trigger. 

I've always liked the elegance of inserting primary key values
from a before insert trigger via a sequence.  I still do it
sometimes, though now I prefer not to.

When done from a trigger, you must use the
'select seq.nextval from dual' statement to get the PK value.

This is a *major* scalability killer.  Easy to prove if anyone
is interested.

Or just google for it, it has been discussed quite heavily on
at least one oracle list.


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