On Aug 6, 2004, at 9:19 AM, Alan Burlison wrote:

Alexey Stroganov wrote:

It was already implemented in my tree with the same behaviour as for 'mysql_server_prepare' attribute:
- attribute 'mysql_use_result' on dbh level, this allows to
enable/disable mode for all new statements:
- DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:test;mysql_use_result=1", "root", "");
- $dbh->{'mysql_use_result'}=0; #disable
$dbh->{'mysql_use_result'}=1; #enable
When new sth is created we set default value of attribute 'mysql_use_result' from $dbh. One can override the default value:
- $sth=$dbh->prepare(statement, {'mysql_use_result' => 1});
- $sth->{'mysql_use_result'}=0; #disable
$sth->{'mysql_use_result'}=1; #enable

Oooh, I'd *love* a copy, pretty please ;-)

What does 'mysql_server_prepare' do BTW, I can't find it in the docs?

It's not public yet, and therefore not documented as such, but mysql_server_prepare enables the server to prepare the statement as opposed to emulating the prepare in the driver. Prior to mysql 4.1, there was no support for server prepare statements, so it was up to the driver to parse placeholders and then substitute values upon execution. The current DBD::mysql that is public does this. With the latest changes, the server will prepare the statement. This can bring some performance increase, especially if you are dealing with a lot of inserts.

As far as use_result vs. store result, the server prepared statements (mysql 4.1 and greater) will always use 'store result', as this has no affect on performance as per the API documentation.

I will make my OSCON slides public which explain how this works, and also be glad to answer anyone's questions about this.



-- Alan Burlison --

Patrick Galbraith Senior Software Developer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.mysql.com

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