In the DBD::Oracle docs it states this:

"If you use the host=$host;sid=$sid style syntax, for example:
  $dbh = DBI->connect(";sid=ORCL", $user,
$passwd);then DBD::Oracle will construct a full connection descriptor string
for you and Oracle will not need to consult the tnsname.ora file.

If a port number is not specified then the descriptor will try both 1526 and
1521 in that order (e.g., new then old). You can check which port(s) are in
use by typing ``$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stat'' on the server."


Does that mean I do not have to have Oracle client installed? Or I do have
to have the client installed because of libraries needed but I don't have to
have a tsnames.ora file?


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