Successfully installing the Perl DBI on OS X feels like a trial by fire.
I have done it before but this time my feet are getting burnt!

I'm appealing to this list as suggested by Tim Bunce's  in the DBI
README after extensive and fruitless googling. No doubt the problem is
I'm looking for the wrong keywords. (suggestions welcome!)

The technical level of last few posts to the list suggest that I'm
better off asking for pointers to resources than quick fixes. Please if
there is somewhere more appropriate let me know.

My attempts to install the perl DBI on my shiny new Mac have come to
dead end.  Problems (and solutions) with building DBD::mysql on OS X
seem common - but I'm stuck on the prerequisite DBI module. (for a
staging server for Movable Type).

Rather than pasting in reams of terminal output here's a few key lines
of one attempt to build. 

    Boermans-Computer:~/.cpan/build/DBI-1.46 ollie$ perl Makefile.PL 

*** [...]

    Creating DBI::PurePerl    test variant: t/zvpp_01basics.t 
    Can't create t/zvpp_01basics.t: Permission denied at lib/DBI/
line 3722.
    Error writing t/zvpp_01basics.t: Bad file descriptor at
lib/DBI/ line 3729.

...Lots more of similar 

    Writing Makefile for DBI
    Unable to open MakeMaker.tmp: Permission denied at
/System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/ExtUtils/ line 867.
    # Looks like your test died before it could output anything.

Obviously my design and CSS skills are not helping me on this one :)
I'm not expecting quick fixes but any directions worth digging in would
be great.

Thank you

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