Jeff Urlwin wrote:

>>Hi all.
>>I've just ( barely ) managed to get DBD::ODBC ==> UnixODBC 
>>==> FreeTDS 
>>working on my system.
>>I took a Perl-Gtk2 app which has been running fine, and 
>>substituted the 
>>old DBD::Sybase connection with the DBD::ODBC one, and then 
>>discovered I 
>>could only run one query on SQL Server, and then all 
>>subsequent queries 
>>DBD::ODBC::st execute failed: [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL 
>>Server]Attempt to 
>>initiate a new SQL Server operation with results pending. 
>>(SQL-07005)(DBD: st_execute/SQLExecute err=-1)
>>So I started going through my code and adding $sth->finish after all 
>>recordset operations, and that seems to be fixing things.
>Please see if you can provide a small, self-contained example.  (i.e. one that 
>tables and inserts data, then reproduces the problem, such that it can be run 
>simply (or,
>feel free to add it to some of the DBD::ODBC t/20sqlserver.t tests, if you 
>feel slightly
>more inclined), then I can refine the implementation to ensure that you don't 
>have to call
>finish each time.  It's supposed to be that way, but if it's not working, I'd 
>like to
It's been quite a while, but I've gotten around to building an example
The application gives the 'Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server
operation with results pending.' error and then exits when it can't
fetch any data. It *should* fetch each row and dump the values to the

I'm using DBD::ODBC, compiled against UnixODBC & FreeTDS. The code below
works if I use DBD::Sybase instead of DBD::ODBC

You'll have to create a 'test' database in SQL Server, and change the
password in the script below. Other than that ( and having a working
DBD::ODBC setup ), it should be right to go.



use strict;
use DBI;

# Connect to SQL Server
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:SQLServer", 'sa',
'_ENTER_PASSWORD_HERE', {PrintError => 1})
    || die "Database connectin not made: $DBI::errstr";

$dbh->do("use test");

$dbh->do("create table some_table (
                    ID integer identity (1,1),
                    CompanyName varchar(50),
                    SomeNote varchar(255)

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into some_table ( CompanyName, SomeNote
) values ( ?, ? )");

foreach my $company (
                        [ "McDonalds",      "Wants monopoly on fast
foods" ],
                        [ "Monsanto",       "All-round evil company in
food production" ],
                        [ "BAE Systems",    "Manufactures Weapons of
Mass Destruction (TM)" ],
                        [ "Advanta BV",     "Poisons food supply with GM
products" ]
    $sth->execute( $$company[0], $$company[1] );

$sth = $dbh->prepare("select ID from some_table") || die $dbh->errstr;

$sth->execute || die $dbh->errstr;

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    my $little_sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from some_table where ID="
. $row->{ID});
    my $little_row = $little_sth->fetchrow_array;
    print "Got some data: \n"
        . " Company: " . $$little_row[0] . " ... Note: " . $$little_row[1];


Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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