On 10/11/05, Charles Jardine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nardin, Simon wrote, on 11/10/2005 09:05:
> > I'm using perl to access Oracle database. Everything is going well, but
> > now I have a question about using CursorName. I was searching on the net
> > for examples without success how to use cursors with "FOR UPDATE" and
> > "CURRENT OF" construct. Is this possible with Oracle using CursorName?
> > Maybe do you have an example? Is there an example how to select record
> > and immediatelly after that updating it?
> FOR UPDATE part of the SQL language. You can use it from perl
> just as you would from SQL*Plus or PL/SQL.
> WHERE CURRENT OF is _not_ part of the SQL language. It is part
> of PL/SQL, and, I believe, the Oracle pre-compiler products.

Well, that might be how Oracle implements it, but it is actually part of
Standard SQL - all versions from 1986 to 2003.

SQL 2003 has the rules:

 14.10 <update statement:

Update a row of a table.

 <update statement: positioned>
UPDATE <target
CURRENT OF <cursor
 14.11 <update statement:

Update rows of a table.

 <update statement: searched>
UPDATE <target
WHERE <search

You can't use WHERE CURRENT OF from perl.

You can with DBD::Informix. If you have problems, it is likely related to
the name of the cursor for which you specify 'WHERE CURRENT OF'.
There's a metadata method to get the cursor name - $sth->{CursorName} or
thereabouts. However, not all drivers can support it.

However, you can get exactly the same effect by using the
> pseudo-column 'rowid'. This column described in the SQL Reference
> Manual.
> There is a PL/SQL example of using rowid instead of WHERE CURRENT
> OF in the PL/SQL manual. Look for "Fetching Across Commits" in
> the index.
> --
> Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge

Jonathan Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #include <disclaimer.h>
Guardian of DBD::Informix - v2005.02 - http://dbi.perl.org
"I don't suffer from insanity - I enjoy every minute of it."

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