> in the next release.  However, PgSQL is still slow, hard to use, and of
> questionable reliability.

Slow, i'm not going to argue cause it's "fast enough for me" and I
don't have numbers.

Hard to use ? What do you find hard ? I find it aboslutly devine to
use, and mysql to be cludgy and awkward. The reason for that is cause
of my experience and familiarity, I don't blame MySQL.

Questionable Reliability : Where did this come from ? Over the past 6
years I've been writing webapps, postgres has never screwed up on
me... I think your claim is a highly personal opinion.

Regarding teh rest of your email, I have got to agree with you, most
web apps use way more resources than they could possibly need, but you
know what ? As a counter to your argument if you needed Oracle you'd
just use Oracle VS PgSQL, in my life, if i only needed MySQL, i'd use
SQL Lite.

It's a holy war folks,  w.a.r. = we are right. that's how they get started :)


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