I take it the real problem is that your query is not returning any data.
Could it be that you're loading @duplist from a file, and it ends with a
newline?  Try adding:

        chomp $custnum;

before your execute() call.

-----Original Message-----
From: John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 6:14 PM
Cc: dbi-users@perl.org
Subject: Re: select placeholder

I don't think that is the issue, in fact I don't think it is a DBI/SQL
issue at all because when I do this:
    #$custnum = shift @duplist;
    #redo if int($custnum) == 0;
    $custnum = "000281610";           <===#######

    $sth1->execute( $custnum ) or die "couldn't execute... " .

    while (my $rowref = $sth1->fetchrow_arrayref) {
       ($asset, $custnum, $branch, $customer, $address, $town,
$postcode) = @$rowref;

it works.

I will look into how I load @duplist and if I have further problems I
will take them elsewhere.

        John McMahon  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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