These look like some great options and I will keep them in mind for future projects, especially DBI::Gofer. In this instance, however, the server I am working with is "production frozen" so to speak and I cannot install anything on it at all. All I can do is ask it for information. I am pursuing the other ideas offered (sybase, connect () syntax improvements, etc) for now. Thanks for the tips!


On Apr 26, 2007, at 4:51 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Wed, Apr 25, 2007 at 05:24:40PM -0400, Robert Denton wrote:
Is it just me, or is using perl on a linux server to extract
information from an MS SQL server insanely difficult?  Has no one
else struggled with this?  Here is my set up:

FC4 -> PERL w/DBI -> DBD::ODBC -> unixODBC -> FreeTDS

The irony is that all I need to do is a single simple select from a
single table, and this is something I would run once a day. Yet the
process of getting perl to talk to an MSSQL server seems
disproportionately convoluted.

You could also take a look at DBD::Proxy. That would let you use
DBD::ODBC on a windows PC with a genuine MSSQL ODBC driver.
But you'd need to run a DBI Proxy Server on the PC.

DBD::Gofer would let you do something similar but in a different kind of way.

You'd need perl, DBI, and DBD::ODBC installed on the PC. Then test your
script on the PC to make sure it works and the DSN is correct.

If you can ssh into the PC [1] then using DBD::Gofer may be as simple
as this...

Copy the script over to the unix box. No need to change the DSN at all.
Set the DBI_AUTOPROXY env var to something like this:

DBI_AUTOPROXY='dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;url=ssh:[EMAIL PROTECTED] com'

then just run the script!

The DBI_AUTOPROXY setting will arrange for DBD::Gofer to be used to
proxy the requests via an ssh connection to your PC.

There's no need to have a 'gofer server' running on the PC. The gofer
stream transport starts the gofer server-side code once it has
connected to the PC.

I'm hoping more people will start using gofer and get involved in
helping shape its development.



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