
        Great !! That works. I am so happy now. I went thru so much
frustration I almost abandoned the Perl approach. Thanks, Martin. 

        And now, I am looking for a web link or a short snippet that
does robust error handling of SQL errors. And how to process the output
of sql print statements. I've done Sybase db-lib programming more than
15 years back and I realize that are 2 channels back to the client, a
message handler and an error handler. How is it done in perl odbc?

Ramakrishna Raju ( "Raju" )

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: perl DBI on windows 64

Sorry for the mess of replying but for some reason my email client won't

include your text when it was added after my signature. There are 2 odbc

administrators - one you get to in the normal way through control panel,

administrative tools, data sources (the 64 bit one) and one you have to 
go to X:\windows\syswow64 and double click on odbcad32.exe. If you start

both you should see you data source in one and not the other.

You will need to use the latter one.


Ramakrishna Raju wrote:


        My Perl on the 64-bit windows is 32 bit. The version string is:

D:\perl\testing>perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
(with 33 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

        It's a System DSN entry and references the SQL Server driver
called SQLSRV32.DLL . The name implies it's a 32bit driver. When I add
an ODBC entry the drivers tab in the wizard lists only 2 drivers: SQL
Native Client ( SQLNCLI.DLL ) and SQL Server (SQLSRV32.DLL )

        And my SQL Server version string is:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (X64)
        Mar 23 2007 18:41:50
        Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
        Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790:
Service Pack 2)

And Windows is: Windows server 2003 Standard x64 edition, SP2 build

        I searched the Windows folder for sqlsrv32.dll and I see 2

C:\WINDOWS>dir sqlsrv*.DLL /s
  Volume in drive C has no label.
  Volume Serial Number is 4C12-6CB9

  Directory of C:\WINDOWS\system32

02/18/2007  07:00 AM           671,744 sqlsrv32.dll
                1 File(s)        671,744 bytes

  Directory of C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64

02/18/2007  07:00 AM           446,464 sqlsrv32.dll
                1 File(s)        446,464 bytes

      Total Files Listed:
                2 File(s)      1,118,208 bytes
                0 Dir(s)  10,055,450,624 bytes free


Now, I don't know which one is used by the odbc wizard. Is the problem?



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