Not quite an example, but test code, included in the DBD::ODBC distribution. See <> for the current version. The relevant code for the SQL print statement starts near line 436.


On 18.03.2008 11:13, Ramakrishna Raju wrote:

        I thought I saw the examples the other day, but I can't seem to
find them now. Could you give me the link to the examples?

Ramakrishna Raju ( "Raju" )

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: perl DBI on windows 64

Ramakrishna Raju wrote:

        t-SQL has a print command and lot of stored procs have print
statements in the code to indicate progress of execution or whatever.
I need to capture it and print that to my log.
        In the error handling department, if there is duplicate key
error on a insert or a table is missing, then that error gets printed
the console thru the perl script, but it's getting printed thru some
low-level driver and not by the user statement. I need to grab that
error situation and send out an email or something. How do I do that?
        I will do some reading and try to put something together and
then we can compare notes.

Start your reading with the PrintError, RaiseError and HandleError attributes in DBI. Of course, once you've looked at the 20SqlServer example in DBD::ODBC you will see it uses HandleError.


Alexander Foken

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