>You shouldn't really need to go recursing through a data 
>tree to come up with all the parts of a single fact.

Well that is unless you are wanting to inherit data from linked elements 
further up a link list without re-posting redundant information.

>Then, instead of storing property 
>description text separately in your categories and categoryLinks tables, 
>have a foreign key reference the id column in the property table.

>In addition, I'd get rid of your categoryLinks table altogether.

Think like an object oriented programmer for a second.  The individual entries 
in the main Categories table and the individual items tables are 'definitions' 
of that particular 'object' with some 'default' values filled in.  The 
additional (seemingly redundant) entries on the link table allow the link to 
'override' the default value(s) with local, instance specific ones.  My goal 
was as a time/work saving measure (from the administration perspective) to 
allow 'children' elements to have blank entries where the values would get 
inherited down from parents.

Besides, my keywords are working nicely, I was just curious about SQL and if 
there was any conditional recursive looping in the various scripting syntax.  
(what is the plural of syntax?  synti?)


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