First off, I am new to the list. If there is a FAQ, feel free to point me there!
This morning I built DBD-Oracle-1.21 on my XP machine using Visual Studio 2005. After building, I needed to copy the redistributable files to blib/arch/auto/DBD/Oracle, and I needed to embed the manifest into Oracle.dll with the following command: mt.exe -manifest Oracle.dll.manifest -outputresource:Oracle.dll;2 I also needed to include my SID in ORACLE_USERID: set ORACLE_USERID=user/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ORCL ^^^^^ After all this, things worked, *except* for two tests: t/26exe_array...........ok 1/14 t/26exe_array...........NOK 11/14# Failed test '... we should have 19 tuple_status' # at t/26exe_array.t line 120. # got: 10 # expected: 19 t/26exe_array...........NOK 14/14# Failed test '... we should have 48 rows' # at t/26exe_array.t line 146. # got: 30 # expected: 48 # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 14. t/26exe_array...........dubious Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) I'm curious if others have seen these problems. Chris