Very well put, Jeffrey.  That was exactly the thought bothering me after
I posted my reply.  Is it really written in stone that the original
database will be destroyed after their one attempt at making a backup?

Such a decision would be highly suspect.  Surely they could find one
spare PC to keep the old database alive while they port the application.
Not only risk of data loss but risk of application loss.  There's no
guarantee the replacement app will be written as rapidly as they
originally expect.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeffrey Seger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday 19 June 2008 17:11
> To: Curtis Leach
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Generic DBI question about backups
> Is this a business critical database?  If so, I would go back to the
> business and make an argument that the current database not
> be allowed to go
> away till the new database is in place, migrated and tested.
> Regardless of
> the tool you use to migrate it, you will run the risk of data
> loss if the
> old database is allowed to be completely deleted prior to a
> new one being
> installed.
> On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 2:08 PM, Curtis Leach
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a module that would backup an Oracle
> database in a
> > database independent way?
> >
> > We are decommissioning our only Oracle database & we would
> like to be
> > able to preserve it's contents so that it can be reloaded
> into another
> > database at a later date.  Such as Windows SQL Server or Informix.
> >
> > But all Oracle backup tools use proprietary formats.
> >
> >
> > Curtis
> >
> >

     - - - - -                              Cisco                            - 
- - - -
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