I've been trying to come up with a consistent and comfortable approach to dealing with a large number of complex action-performing stored procedures I've got sitting in my Oracle database -- things with names like "Assign_customer" that perform many actions across several tables and don't really belong to the customer table. Also, they return very little data. Really they return their success or failure in OUT variables along with some error and state messages.

The cookbook has good suggestions about how to wrap complex and arbitrary sql inside a custom ResultSource, but that seems most appropriate for the case where you're returning an actual result set, not a couple of OUT bind variables. Is there a design pattern people have found successful for handling this? I keep thinking there's got to be a more graceful way to do this than to set up a dummy table (Dual or the like) and then have a custom ResultSet full of subs doing raw DBI calls and returning the resulting out variables as a hash.

Can anyone offer up suggestions for what they've done that they're happy with?

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