I've just noticed an apparent regression/change_of_behaviour that
affects me.

We do a good deal of our DB access accessing tables via private
synonyms.  That is, we connect via schema_X which has a private synonym
(lob_table) to schema_Y.lob_table.

On our 'current' machines which have DBD::Oracle ver 1.15, everything
works fine.

On our 'new' machines which have DBD::Oracle ver 1.21, if I attempt to
insert/update a lob column, connecting as schema_X, I get an error 942 -
table or view does not exist.

It would seem the error is not being caused by the insert/update, but
something DBD::Oracle is doing afterwards.  Here is a snippet from the
trace ...

    DBI 1.605-ithread default trace level set to 0x0/2 (pid 26352) at
sb3.plx line 79 via sb3.plx line 124
    -> prepare for DBD::Oracle::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x8e59c0c)~0x8e59738 '
        into    sb1 (id, text_b)
        values  (100, :txt)
        ') thr#8153008
    dbd_preparse scanned 1 distinct placeholders
    <- prepare= DBI::st=HASH(0x8edbeb4) at sb3.plx line 80
    -> bind_param for DBD::Oracle::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x8edbeb4)~0x8bef8c0
':txt' '....���A..zip-usa.csv.Խ�.�:.�{�..��...' (type 0, attribs:
    <- bind_param= 1 at sb3.plx line 85
    -> execute for DBD::Oracle::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x8edbeb4)~0x8bef8c0)
    dbd_st_execute INSERT (out0, lob1)...
Statement Execute Mode is 0
    dbd_st_execute INSERT returned (SUCCESS, rpc1, fn3, out0)
    !! ERROR: '942' 'ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (DBD ERROR:
OCIStmtExecute/LOB refetch)' (err#1)
    <- execute= undef at sb3.plx line 87
    -> HandleError on DBI::st=HASH(0x8bef8c0) via CODE(0x8ed5ff4)

If I either connect as schema_Y (which owns the table), or qualify the
table name with the schema name (e.g. schema_y.sb1), the error does not

If I wrap the insert/update with a BEGIN .. END; (i.e. turn it into an
anonymous pl/sql block), it works ok, but I'd rather not have to go
through all our code and do this.

Is this a regression, or intended new behaviour?



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