Martin Gainty wrote:
any reason why you want to 'describe' before the executing the statement?
Martin _____________
I'm not wishing to put words in Merijn's mouth but having attempted to write a perl app which worked with a number of DBDs I have some experience of how difficult this is.

DBD::ODBC always runs a describe (SQLDescribeCol) on the result-set so DBD::ODBC knows what the column types really are. At the end of the day if you do a select on a table the data is returned to perl scalars and DBD::ODBC internally, even if you do not not use bind_col binds the columns in a way that allows them to be copied to perl scalars. In a similar way if you use a select/insert/update with a parameter DBD::ODBC always tries to use SQLDescribeParam to find out the type of the parameter - this allows it to attempt to automatically do the right thing without you having to specify the bind type. This mostly does the right thing except for a) ODBC drivers which do not support SQLDescribeParam (few and far between but they do exist) and b) drivers which support SQLDescribeParam but which struggle to return the correct info because they attempt to rearrange the SQL to do a select on the tables and find the parameter types. In particular, the MS SQL Server driver has a lot of problems with subselects in a query as it attempts to rearrange your sql with parameters and fails horribly (see rt_xxx.t tests in DBD::ODBC).

I cannot speak for other DBD maintainers but even though I look after DBD::ODBC currently, I mostly use DBD::Oracle in the work I'm doing currently. Previous to that we attempted to make our app work with DB2, mysql, Oracle and ODBC (before we settled on a database) and failed horribly. Most of our app would work with most DBDs but we ran into severe problems with last_insert_id, quite a few problems calling procedures/functions (mostly we worked around - exception was returning cursors from procedures and functions which ODBC does not do) and I'm sure loads of other issues which I could probably dig out in time. Our app now runs to Oracle only but even then we have our own module over DBI to handle clobs/blobs and cursors. The reason for this is that if you want a [cb]lob from DBD::Oracle you currently need to specify the bind type and if you want a cursor you need to bind with ora_rset. In addition, retrieving a [cb]lob from DBD::Oracle is annoying since it automatically tries to hide the lob locator and retrieve the [cb]lob for you but this then is subject to LongReadLen (which is impossible to use if you have no idea how long the [cb]lob will be). As a result (and this was subject to postings and changes in dbi-dev/dbi-users since the auto lob setting was not inherited in magicked statement handles via returned cursors) we have changed our app to turn DBD::Oracle auto lobs off and then retrieve the [cb]lob ourselves with ora_lob_read (since this guarantees to return the full [cb]lob without you needing to know beforehand how big it might be.

Practically, if you attempt to write perl and DBI code which you can use with different DBDs you are mostly ok if you keep things "really simple" but even documented APIs like last_insert_id are poorly supported (DBD::ODBC has loads of problems with this in particular and in DBD::Oracle you are better using "returning xxx", mysql has a select last_insert_id or something like that and SQL Server has select @@identity etc etc). As soon as you start using procedures/functions you enter a world of pain. Our app does not even have select permission to tables and all the logic is in procedures and functions and this is really difficult to do across DBDs (e.g., returning of cursors vs more_results etc).

Please don't read this as an attack on DBD::Oracle - it isn't, it could just as easily be DBD::ODBC or DBD::DB2 or DBD::something but I'm using DBD::Oracle mostly these days. I do however, have a lot of sympathy with Merijn's point as I've tried to support multiple DBDs and got stuck (and that is ignoring SQL differences which we all know can be a pain).

Out of rant mode, I certainly think that if a DBD can just do the right thing (whatever that is) then we should encourage it. I'm somewhat out of this now since we settled on Oracle for this project. I do however, think that with DBD::Oracle it is annoying to have to say bind this as a blob and then (when it is a select) to have it automatically subject to LongReadLen and LongTruncOk as these introduce their own problems if you cannot know how big a [bc]lob is but KNOW you want it all i.e., I would be ok with it if there was a LongReadLen = "as much as it takes" (perhaps there is and it is too late for me to remember it).

I've probably strayed off topic now but Merijn's post struck a cord and Martin 's question was just unlucky enough to be the current last post when this struck me. I always intended to post my results of trying to cope with multiple DBDs but project schedules somewhat hampered that. No doubt this we rebound on me - steel jacket donned and ready ;-)


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Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 21:00:38 +0100
Subject: Re: DBD::Oracle + BLOB

On Thu, 30 Oct 2008 15:06:00 -0400, John Scoles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Again Tim and his wisdom of the ages comes to the rescue.

A quick look at DBD::ORacle and his suggestion will take only a few seconds to do.
Well, it was like I suggested, but it still does not remove the need
for bind_param (), something I would like to see possible.

Looks like a patch coming up in the AM.

Tim Bunce wrote:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:43:22AM -0400, John Scoles wrote:
I will look into it tomorrow Merijn suggested something like dbd_blob or dbd_binay at the dbd level

so we could  just do this

$s->bind_param (":p1","foo\nbar", {TYPE=>dbd_blob});

and let the DBD figure out what dbd_blob is for them
Using TYPE => $x implies that $x is an ANSI/ISO standard constant.

    use DBI qw(:sql_types);

    $sth->bind_param(":p1", "foo\nbar", { TYPE=> SQL_BLOB });

That *may* be the right thing to do, but be sure to read the ODBC manual
to ensure you can implement the exact semantics. Otherwise you're just
creating a new portability problem.

Generally, driver authors should aim to do what ODBC (and ideally
DBD::ODBC) does for these types.

The tack I am looking at is some sort of flag where you tell you
DBD to explicitly describe before an execute.

Not sure if that could even be done with a update though at least with

Will work on in on the morrow
H.Merijn Brand          Amsterdam Perl Mongers
using & porting perl 5.6.2, 5.8.x, 5.10.x, 5.11.x on HP-UX 10.20, 11.00,
11.11, 11.23, and 11.31, SuSE 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3, AIX 5.2, and Cygwin. 

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