On 21/04/10 18:56, Everett, Timothy S wrote:
> Thank you for the patch.  This fixed the ORA-24334 problem.

Thank you very much for testing the patch. I will try to ensure that
a similar fix gets into the next release of DBD::Oracle.

> The test suite now runs to completion.  FYI it still complains about one
> subtest in 58object.t.

I would be very grateful if you could help me get to the bottom of this
problem as well. I have attached a modified version of t/58object.t.
Could you possibly run this and send the output to me. (It will
be tracing at level 9 - I don't think we need to bother the list
with the output.)

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
c...@cam.ac.uk    Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679
#!perl -w

use DBI;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;


use Test::More tests => 51;
unshift @INC ,'t';
require 'nchar_test_lib.pl';

$| = 1;



# create a database handle
my $dsn = oracle_test_dsn();
my $dbuser = $ENV{ORACLE_USERID} || 'scott/tiger';
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, '',{ RaiseError=>1, 
					PrintError => 0,
					 ora_objects => 1 });

my ($schema) = $dbuser =~ m{^([^/]*)};

# Test ora_objects flag 
cmp_ok($dbh->{ora_objects}, 'eq', '1', 'ora_objects flag is set to 1');

$dbh->{ora_objects} = 0;
cmp_ok($dbh->{ora_objects}, 'eq', '0', 'ora_objects flag is set to 0');

# check that our db handle is good
isa_ok($dbh, "DBI::db");

ok( $schema = $dbh->selectrow_array(
  "select sys_context('userenv', 'current_schema') from dual"
), 'Fetch current schema name');

my $obj_prefix = "dbd_test_";
my $super_type = "${obj_prefix}_type_A";
my $sub_type = "${obj_prefix}_type_B";
my $table = "${obj_prefix}_obj_table";
my $outer_type = "${obj_prefix}_outer_type";
my $inner_type = "${obj_prefix}_inner_type";
my $list_type = "${obj_prefix}_list_type";
my $nest_table = "${obj_prefix}_nest_table";
my $list_table = "${obj_prefix}_list_table";

sub drop_test_objects {
    for my $obj ("TABLE $list_table", "TABLE $nest_table",
                 "TYPE $list_type", "TYPE $outer_type", "TYPE $inner_type",
                 "TABLE $table", "TYPE $sub_type", "TYPE $super_type") {
        #do not warn if already there
        eval {
            local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
            $dbh->do(qq{drop $obj});


$dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $super_type AS OBJECT (
                num     INTEGER,
                name    VARCHAR2(20)
            ) NOT FINAL }) or die $dbh->errstr;

$dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $sub_type UNDER $super_type (
                datetime  DATE,
                amount    NUMERIC(10,5)
            ) NOT FINAL }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ CREATE TABLE $table (id INTEGER, obj $super_type) })
            or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (1, $super_type(13, 'obj1')) })
            or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (2, $sub_type(NULL, 'obj2', 
                    TO_DATE('2004-11-30 14:27:18', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    12345.6789)) }
            ) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', NULL, 777.666)) }
            ) or die $dbh->errstr;

$dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $inner_type AS OBJECT (
                num     INTEGER,
                name    VARCHAR2(20)
            ) FINAL }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $outer_type AS OBJECT (
                num     INTEGER,
                obj     $inner_type
            ) FINAL }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $list_type AS
                            TABLE OF $inner_type }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ CREATE TABLE $nest_table(obj $outer_type) }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $nest_table VALUES($outer_type(91, $inner_type(1, 'one'))) }
            ) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $nest_table VALUES($outer_type(92, $inner_type(0, null))) }
            ) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $nest_table VALUES($outer_type(93, null)) }
            ) or die $dbh->errstr;

$dbh->do(qq{ CREATE TABLE $list_table ( id INTEGER, list $list_type )
               NESTED TABLE list STORE AS ${list_table}_list }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $list_table VALUES(81,$list_type($inner_type(null, 'listed'))) }
            ) or die $dbh->errstr;

# Test old (backward compatible) interface 

# test select testing objects 
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $table order by id");
ok ($sth, 'old: Prepare select');
ok ($sth->execute(), 'old: Execute select');

my @row1 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row1, 'old: Fetch first row');
cmp_ok(ref $row1[1], 'eq', 'ARRAY', 'old: Row 1 column 2 is an ARRAY');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$row1[1]}), '==', 2, 'old: Row 1 column 2 is has 2 elements');

my @row2 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row2, 'old: Fetch second row');
cmp_ok(ref $row2[1], 'eq', 'ARRAY', 'old: Row 2 column 2 is an ARRAY');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$row2[1]}), '==', 2, 'old: Row 2 column 2 is has 2 elements');

my @row3 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row3, 'old: Fetch third row');
cmp_ok(ref $row3[1], 'eq', 'ARRAY', 'old: Row 3 column 2 is an ARRAY');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$row3[1]}), '==', 2, 'old: Row 3 column 2 is has 2 elements');

ok (!$sth->fetchrow(), 'old: No more rows expected');

#print STDERR Dumper(\...@row1, \...@row2, \...@row3);

# Test new (extended) object interface 

# enable extended object support 
$dbh->{ora_objects} = 1;

# test select testing objects - in extended mode 
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $table order by id");
ok ($sth, 'new: Prepare select');
ok ($sth->execute(), 'new: Execute select');

@row1 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row1, 'new: Fetch first row');
cmp_ok(ref $row1[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 1 column 2 is an DBD:Oracle::Object');
cmp_ok(uc $row1[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$super_type", "new: Row 1 column 2 object type");
is_deeply([$row1[1]->attributes], ['NUM', 13, 'NAME', 'obj1'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes");

@row2 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row2, 'new: Fetch second row');
cmp_ok(ref $row2[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 2 column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object');
cmp_ok(uc $row2[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: Row 2 column 2 object type");
print Dumper($row2[1]);
is_deeply([$row2[1]->attributes], ['NUM', undef, 'NAME', 'obj2', 
            'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', '12345.6789'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes");

@row3 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row3, 'new: Fetch third row');
cmp_ok(ref $row3[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 3 column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object');
cmp_ok(uc $row3[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: Row 3 column 2 object type");
is_deeply([$row3[1]->attributes], ['NUM', 5, 'NAME', 'obj3', 
            'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.666'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes");

ok (!$sth->fetchrow(), 'new: No more rows expected');

#print STDERR Dumper(\...@row1, \...@row2, \...@row3);

# Test DBD::Oracle::Object 
my $obj = $row3[1];
my $expected_hash = {
        NUM         => 5,
        NAME        => 'obj3',
        DATETIME    => undef,
        AMOUNT      => 777.666,
is_deeply($obj->attr_hash, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash');
is_deeply($obj->attr, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr');
is($obj->attr("NAME"), 'obj3', 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr("NAME")');

# try the list table
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $list_table");
ok ($sth, 'new: Prepare select with nested table of objects');
ok ($sth->execute(), 'new: Execute (nested table)');

@row1 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row1, 'new: Fetch first row (nested table)');
is_deeply($row1[1]->[0]->attr, {NUM=>undef, NAME=>'listed'},
           'Check propertes of first (and only) item in nested table');

ok (!$sth->fetchrow(), 'new: No more rows expected (nested table)');

#try the nested table
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $nest_table");
ok ($sth, 'new: Prepare select with nested object');
ok ($sth->execute(), 'new: Execute (nested object)');

@row1 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row1, 'new: Fetch first row (nested object)');
is($row1[0]->attr->{NUM}, '91', 'Check obj.num');
is_deeply($row1[0]->attr->{OBJ}->attr, {NUM=>'1', NAME=>'one'}, 'Check obj.obj');

@row2 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row2, 'new: Fetch second row (nested object)');
is($row2[0]->attr->{NUM}, '92', 'Check obj.num');
is_deeply($row2[0]->attr->{OBJ}->attr, {NUM=>'0', NAME=>undef}, 'Check obj.obj');

@row3 = $sth->fetchrow();
ok (scalar @row3, 'new: Fetch third row (nested object)');
is_deeply($row3[0]->attr, {NUM=>'93', OBJ=>undef}, 'Check obj');

ok (!$sth->fetchrow(), 'new: No more rows expected (nested object)');

#print STDERR Dumper(\...@row1, \...@row2, \...@row3);



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