Ouch Sorry late reply on this one

If you are using an earlier version of DBD::Oracle and Apache::DBI you might be seeing the 'PING' effect.

To keep connections alive in Apache::DBI it uses the $h->ping which in older DBD does a select on a table.

260 and 360 are not very many. I have seen rates well into the 10000s for some other users

version 1.22+ fixed this by doing either an OCIPing if you are using 10+ client or another OCI call that does a round trip to the server.

Hope this helps

John Scoles

Matthew Maglinte wrote:
I'm a dba supporting a warehouse database (production environment) accessed via a custom application built on open source components, one of which is dbd::oracle.

Performance monitoring shows two queries continually consuming considerable resources (cpu waits) - the query text resembling for the most part 'column_info' and 'table_info'. Over any given day, the column_info select is executed +260 times an hour, 'table_info' executed +360 times an hour.

Is this level of frequency intended? And are these calls appropriate (expected) for a static data dictionary environment?

Any response that would help my understanding would be appreciated. Thanks.

Matt Maglinte
Department of Transportation

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