> Hello,
> I am asking a very basic question here. Is there any standard
> instruction set
> which can guarantee the successful installation of DBI and DBD on Unix
> env.  I
> tried this for last month of or so (using README files from DBI-DBD
> packages
> or based on the search on Google and other CPAN sites) and came to
> conclusion
> that there is no standard method which can guarantee the successful
> installation.
> I may be missing something here.
> Would appreciate if somebody can provide me full proof method for
> installation
> of this.
> I am ready to treat for this :)

What exact platform are you using?
 Linux(distro?), solaris? ???

What version of DBI are you trying to install?

What happened when you tried to build (or install) DBI?
  Were there any error messages?



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