On 9/21/2010 4:05 PM, Cliff Martin wrote:
I am using the new DBD::Oracle module with DRCP. I am able to connect
to my connection pool, but the NUM_HITS does not increment, and the
connection class is always "SHARED" instead of whatever I specify
(using either the environment variable or the connection parameter)

What am I doing wrong?

Most likely nothing. It is most likely the implementation will have to change.

We are only at the opening stages of getting DRCP to work with DBD::Oracle so this feedback is great.

I am not sure what  the 'connection class' and NUM_HITS are?

Can you give me an example of where you are getting these and how the DRCP should connect.

I will gladly change the interface if need be.

John Scoles

I have the same problem with Python, but PHP works great. With PHP I
can set the connection class and the NUM_HITS goes up appropriately.
Using Perl 5.10, DBI 1.614, DBD::Oracle 1.25 and Oracle 11.1 on an HP-
UX 11v3 Itanium system.


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