
Thanks in advance for any guidance you may be able to provide.

The following query throws error:

    could not determine data type of parameter $1

$1 contains a comma delimited list of column names.

I can run the query on the CLI and it works. If I swap the question mark
that is $1 in the query, with a static column list, the query works in
perl. Presumably I should be able to pass a column list as a variable when
preparing a statement, but apparently I'm not getting the type correct?

Could somebody refer me to the correct type code to use with delimted list
of columns?  Or do I have to do this a different way? I would prefer the
column list interpolate at prepare time, as it makes the function more
portable IMHO.

Note: the first function prepare()s when called with (1), the the second
function populates a provided array with anonymous hashes, and returns the
number of matching records.

### CODE ###

use DBI qw(:sql_types)    ;
use DBD::Pg qw(:pg_types) ;

 sub  _listrev {
        return $_[0]->{'_listrev'} unless $_[1] ;
        $_[0]->{'_listrev'} =  $_[0]->{'db_handle'}->prepare("SELECT ? FROM
$_[0]->{'_revtablename'} WHERE $_[0]->{'_recordidname'} = ? ORDER BY ? DESC
        return 1 ;

sub listrev { # get paginated revisions of a record, return count

        my $self = shift ;
        my $rectainer = shift ;
        my $recordid = shift  ;
        my $freccols = shift  ;
        my $orderby = shift   ;
        my $startrec = shift  ;
        my $endrec = shift    ;

        $self->{'_listrev'}->bind_param(1, $freccols, { 'pg_type' =>
        $self->{'_listrev'}->bind_param(2, $recordid)  ;
        $self->{'_listrev'}->bind_param(3, $orderby)  ;
        $self->{'_listrev'}->bind_param(4, $startrec)  ;
        $self->{'_listrev'}->bind_param(5, $endrec)  ;

        return undef unless $self->{'_listrev'}->execute() ;
        my $foo = $self->{'_listrev'}->fetchall_arrayref({}) ;

        @$rectainer = @$foo ;
        @$foo = () ;
        return(scalar(@$rectainer)) ;

## END CODE ##


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