Turning on tracing is usually a good idea when odd things are happening.
Read https://metacpan.org/pod/DBI#TRACING
and set the DBI_TRACE environment variable.


On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 09:56:27PM -0600, Jon wrote:
>    Hello Peter,
>    Well, that's kinda what I figured but never hurts try for the easy answer.
>    I cleaned up your test script a bit. 
>    Can you give this version a try: 
> [1]https://gist.github.com/three18ti/c37587ef7d5fb9ee5748
>    I'm downloading DB2 as we speak, but I wanted to ask for your DB2_HOME 
> environment variable.  In your
>    instructions it has you set it, but the instructions are clearly for a 
> linux server, what did you do on
>    your windows server?
>    Honestly, I have very limited DB2 experience, so it's kinda the blind 
> leading the blind here.  I'm
>    really just curious myself. you're more than welcome to ignore me and wait 
> for one of the more
>    experienced guys :)
>    Best Regards,
>    Jon A
>    On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 8:42 PM, Peter Shabino <[2]wi...@hotmail.com> 
> wrote:
>      I am running it from a command prompt and I am getting some of the 
> output so perl is running fine.
>      Just looks like any command that trys and uses the DB2 interface causes 
> a crash. 
>      Thanks,
>      Peter
>      My projects:
>      [3]http://www.wire2wire.org/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 20:26:15 -0600
>      Subject: RE: First time DBI user crashing perl
>      From: [4]three1...@gmail.com
>      To: [5]wi...@hotmail.com
>      CC: [6]dbi-users@perl.org
>      Hello Peter,
>      How are you invoking the script? Do you have a perl script that you 
> double click?
>      If so, can you try opening a command/powershell window and running your 
> program? You'll likely have to
>      specify the full path to the perl binary then pass your script as the 
> first parameter.
>      E.g.: \strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe [7]my_script.pl
>      I have not encountered this particular problem with db2 but this is my 
> first step when trying to get
>      one of my scripts to run in Windows (I'm a Linux enginner by the Windows 
> engineers steal a lot of my
>      applications), perhaps someone has more specific experience than myself.
>      Best Regards,
>      Jon A
>      On Oct 29, 2014 5:50 PM, "Peter Shabino" <[8]wi...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>        Try this again I apparently found a keyboard shortcut to send the 
> message in hotmail......
>        Trying to set up a connection to a remote DB2 server in perl to query 
> some data. 
>        Followed the directions here:
>        [9]http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg21297335
>        Then searching the web I came up with this chunk of code:
>        use warnings;
>        use strict;
>        use DBI;
>        use DBD::DB2;
>        print("Operating System = ",$^O,"\n");
>        print("Perl Binary = ",$^X,"\n");
>        print("Perl Version = ",$],"\n");
>        print("DBI Version = ",$DBI::VERSION,"\n");
>        print("DBD::DB2 Version = ",$DBD::DB2::VERSION,"\n\n");
>        print("env = ",$ENV{ DB2INSTANCE},"\n");
>        my @driver_names = DBI->available_drivers;
>        print(join("\n",@driver_names),"\n");
>        print("I am here\n");
>        my @dataSources   =   DBI->data_sources('DB2');
>        print(@dataSources,"\n");
>        print("I am there\n");
>        exit(0);
>        When I run this I get a popup that says the "Perl interpreter has 
> stopped working" and a button to
>        close the program. 
>        on the console I get:
>        Operating System = MSWin32
>        Perl Binary = c:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe
>        Perl Version = 5.018001
>        DBI Version = 1.631
>        DBD::DB2 Version = 1.85
>        env = DB2
>        ADO
>        DB2
>        DBM
>        ExampleP
>        File
>        Gofer
>        ODBC
>        Pg
>        Proxy
>        SQLite
>        Sponge
>        mysql
>        I am here
>        So the failure is when I try and get the DB2 data sources... 
>        Just have no idea even where to start looking for the issue since 
> there is no error message. Is
>        there a log file with more information on what might have died?
>        Thanks,
>        Peter
>        My projects:
>        [10]http://www.wire2wire.org/
> References
>    Visible links
>    1. https://gist.github.com/three18ti/c37587ef7d5fb9ee5748
>    2. mailto:wi...@hotmail.com
>    3. http://www.wire2wire.org/
>    4. mailto:three1...@gmail.com
>    5. mailto:wi...@hotmail.com
>    6. mailto:dbi-users@perl.org
>    7. http://my_script.pl/
>    8. mailto:wi...@hotmail.com
>    9. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg21297335
>   10. http://www.wire2wire.org/

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