On Sun, Jan 13, 2008 at 06:40:21PM -0800, Darren Duncan wrote:
> I still have to work out the details of the new dialect, but here's 
> an example of how Muldis D code in the terse dialect could look; 
> compare this 'square' function with the other email:
>     [ 'function', 'square', '', [
>         [ 'inner_function', '', {
>             'result_type' => 'UInt',
>             'params' => {
>                 'topic' => 'Int',
>             },
>             'root_expr' => '',
>             'exprs' => {
>                 '' => [ 'sys_func', 'Int.power', {
>                     'radix' => [ 'param', 'topic' ],
>                     'exponent' => [ 'Int', 'perl_int', 2 ],
>                 } ],
>             },
>         } ],
>     ] ]

Uint function square (Int topic) {
  Int.power (topic, Int 2);

That's terse. Yours is not. So far as I can tell mine is pretty much
equivalent. With a bit of perl optree parsing (and Devel::Declare) you
could perl-host this as

Uint function square (Int $topic) {
  Int->power($topic, Int 2);

which isn't quite as elegant but is definitely parseable :)

Food for thought, anyway.

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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