At 7:18 AM +0000 1/16/08, Matt S Trout wrote:
The (still somewhat vapourware) B::Simple project I and others are working
on aims to produce a developer-friendly optree abstraction to make just this
sort of thing possible - while DBIx::Perlish and ::StORM both prove you can
do perl -> SQL without an optree abstraction a quick look at the internals
of either demonstrates that the result is utterly impenetrable for anybody
uinfamiliar with the perl internals, which is why I haven't bothered trying
for DBIC yet (the author of ::StORM originally expressed the intention  to
help with it for DBIC but evidently he decided reinventing the wheel was
more fun ... sigh).

Once B::Simple starts to work I'm hoping Anton will help out and consider
porting Perlish - he certainly seemed open to the possibility last I spoke
to him. That should give us a nice start in terms of making other relational
things backend onto it.

Thanks for this info.  I look forward to that tool.

In the mean-time, I'll tweak my AST to make it as easy to use as is possible without losing the expressibility it currently has, so anyone wanting to directly use the Muldis::DB::Interface roles won't have much difficulty. Or the same to those who may want to use the AST apart of said implementation.

-- Darren Duncan

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