Ok - I've updated to 0.08102 and now I have a make_column_dirty but it does not 
seem to work.

Here is what I do for trying it out:

I have a class "SMU::Wrapper" that simply wraps some xml, it has an accessor 
"stuff" that allows me to get/set the wrapped xml.

I now inflate/deflate column "xml" like this:

                                   inflate => sub { SMU::Wrapper->new( stuff => 
$_[0], row => $_[1], column => "xml" ) },
                                   deflate => sub { $_[0]->stuff },

Now I do a search and a find like this:

my $rs = $schema->resultset('Stream')->search(
                                                     select => [ 'id', { 
'xmltype.getCLobVal' => 'xml' } ],
                                                     as     => [qw/id xml/],

my $s = $rs->find(1);

This allows me to retrieve my object representing primary key 1 with inflated 
column, so far so good.

I can now do the following:

print $s->xml->stuff; # this prints the correct xml read from the db

$s->xml->stuff("<hubba/>");   # now I change it

print $s->xml->stuff;      # print it again to verify it really has changed (in 




Now I trace with DBIC_TRACE=1 and I can see that indeed the call to 
make_column_dirty results in an update to the database, but unfortunately it is 
not updated to the new value I have set it to but again to the old value it had 
in the database before I changed to "<hubba/>"...

Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong?

Many thanks!

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Matt S Trout <dbix-cl...@trout.me.uk> wrote:

> From: Matt S Trout <dbix-cl...@trout.me.uk>
> Subject: Re: [Dbix-class] dirty-flag on inflated columns
> To: "DBIx::Class user and developer list" <dbix-class@lists.scsys.co.uk>
> Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 7:04 AM
> On Mon, May 04, 2009 at 09:35:08AM
> -0700, Morgon Hed wrote:
> > 
> > > Yes there is:
> > 
> > Not in my version it seems.
> > 
> > I have 0.08013 and in this version there does not seem
> to be a "make_column_dirty" method in DBIx::Class::Row (I
> just inspected the code).
> You're going to need 08100+ for that method.
> The inflator gets passed the value and the original row
> object, among other
> things - look at the InflateColumn docs for more info and
> if in doubt Dumper
> @_ in your inflator to get a feel for it.
> As for the circular reference, Scalar::Util::weaken will
> save you here.
> -- 
>         Matt S Trout   
>      Catalyst and DBIx::Class
> consultancy with a clue
>      Technical Director   
>   and a commit bit: http://shadowcat.co.uk/catalyst/
>  Shadowcat Systems Limited
>   mst (@) shadowcat.co.uk       
> http://shadowcat.co.uk/blog/matt-s-trout/
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