On 12/25/2015 11:11 PM, Peter Rabbitson wrote:
Work will resume in full some time during the 1st week of January, with
a tentative date for 0.082830 some time around Jan 7.
Given January is almost over, another update is in order. Back in [1]
several pieces were identified as "walking away without these is
near-criminal". Below is their state of readiness after several weeks of
false starts:
- Review, fixups, and final API-fication of the transaction subsystem
70% (hand in hand with the next item)
- Review, fixups, and final API-fication of the exception handling subsystem
70% (turned out to be a massive yak, isn't it always the case)
- Final API-fication of the relationship resolution system
- Final review and fixups of the metadata (ResultSource) subsystem
10% (may be dropped entirely, things are taking too long)
- Stabilize the (unique across CPAN) CI setup in light of recent service
95% (main part completed, possibly will add more parallelism if time
- Overhaul of the distbuild system, making it more approachable for
future maints
- Several new deprecation warnings, serving to set direction/provide
interlocks for future architects
5% (might also get dropped altogether... sigh)
- Minor overhauls of SQL::Abstract and SQL::Translators, to be lock-step
released with DBIC
Annotation of all existing branches/issues/tickets/PRs
For the time being I am intending to stick to the original plan, despite
the ever-slipping timetable. Sorry it is taking so long.
There is also a little bit of not-terrible news: In the meantime there
were several (so far 2, maybe one more during FOSDEM) entities who
expressed interest in keeping me around in a similar capacity. While
there are no specific details to share, I plan to get to the bottom of
each of these opportunities before "turning the lights off". Too much
unwritten code is at stake to not do so.
Next update Mid-February.
[1] http://blogs.perl.org/users/peter_rabbitson/2015/12/riba2016-ends.html
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