On 2016-10-06 2:18 AM, Aaron Trevena wrote:
One quick thing to mention, is that SQL and Relational Databases have
moved forward considerably since we were using Class::DBI. I'm now
working on a project using latest Postgres features, and I've been
literally astonished at some of the new stuff that's being made
available by modern relational databases, full JSONB support that's
strong enough for us to replace Mongo, as well as a variety of changes
to SQL such as LATERAL joins mean that the rules are changing under
our feet as developers and that means we can't just stand still either
in how we write database code.
Fortunately we've been able to support these via DBIx::Class using
method modifiers and wrappers and helper classes, as well as the
occasional "big string of literal SQL' but obviously as an entirely
self-interested user (whose most useful contribution is usually acting
as crash test dummy for how idiot proof it is) I believe both
developers and users need to keep up with relational databases or be
left behind.
Thanks again to Peter, Matt and all the contributors - I (and I'm
pretty sure the clients and employers I've had for the last decade)
have appreciated the hard work you've put into this project.
I also agree with what Aaron added here. -- Darren Duncan
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