For the past several years, Peter Rabbitson justified certain decisions he made
by referring to enterprise/corporate users who'd talk to him privately about
DBIx::Class and their desires for the future.

Sadly, given the current situation, he preserved your
privacy/off-the-record-ness by refusing to tell any of the other developers
who you were or what you'd said.

If you're one of said publically silent enterprise users, then I say now: You
are valued, and while I prefer things to be done publically where possible,
I'd be willing to sign an NDA if that's the requirement for us to get started
figuring out how your needs wrt DBIx::Class can also be addressed.

Obviously I'll want to figure out from there how to turn any problems you have
into something we can talk about publically, but I have no issue with signing
an NDA so we can look at your situation and discuss together how to move
forwards on the things you find important.

(I would love to be less vague, but applies)

Matt S Trout - Shadowcat Systems - Perl consulting with a commit bit and a clue

Email me now on mst (at) and let's chat about how our CPAN
commercial support, training and consultancy packages could help your team.

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