On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 01:10:06AM +0000, Matt S Trout wrote:

> For the past several years, Peter Rabbitson justified certain decisions he 
> made
> by referring to enterprise/corporate users who'd talk to him privately about
> DBIx::Class and their desires for the future.
> Sadly, given the current situation, he preserved your
> privacy/off-the-record-ness by refusing to tell any of the other developers
> who you were or what you'd said.
> ...

Putting my work hat on ... I don't recall us talking privately with
anyone about requirements, but I think I did exchange emails with Peter
in which I said that we'd be happy to test stuff people are working on
against our code base. That offer still stands. Not that we're doing
anything terribly complicated.

David Cantrell

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