I think I've detected some bugs in lmtp.c which cause the communication to go out of sync.

When we are reading the input from the client (after the client has sent "DATA" and dbmail-lmtp has sent "354 Start mail input") and detect an error in the headers, we sent a "500 whatever error the client". However , the client happily keeps on sending the complete message. As it probably should.

I'll test if I can correct this by sending all further client input to a blackhole, and returning a "500 error" after receiving the whole message.


Ilja Booij wrote:

I wonder what message dbmail-smtp should send to the MTA when the header is to big: EX_DATAERR?

EX_TEMPFAIL does not seem like the right messages, but I wonder if EX_DATAERR would be understood by the MTA.

Any ideas?


Ilja Booij wrote:

for now I'll go for bouncing messages with ueberlong headers. Later on, we'll have to decide on a nice strategy to work with longer headers.


Aaron Stone wrote:

For the uber-large headers problem, would you rather bounce the message or add the is_header column to the messageblks table and allow for multiple header
blocks? Also, since we currently pass the header around as a single char
array, how would you propose to throttle the memory usage so that someone
cannot DoS the server with garbage jigabyte headers?


Ilja Booij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:


I'd like to release rc4 tomorrow. Is anybody aware of any showstoppers we have to fix before releasing rc4 other than the ones I'll mention below?

* Headers > 512kB don't work. Messages get dropped.

* code indentation: run indent -i8 -kr (unless anybody wants something completely different :) )


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