Thomas Mueller wrote:

Hi Paul,

Sounds like a valid bug to me. Could you perhaps submit the directory layout that triggers this? Perhaps I can reproduce this bug with the imap testsuite I'm constructing, so we can fix this pronto.


But with dbmail it only works for a while and then skips the rest with an error (cannot create subdirectory...). Seems to be some sort of overflow -
perhaps because of a wrong delimiter? (/or.or?)

I had a similar error this weekend and I found out that that's because
of dbmail beeing case insensitive! Source IMAP server was Cyrus where
you can have a folder 'Spam' and a folder 'spam'.

DBMail is case insensitive due to MySQL varchar being case insensitive. It is allowed by the IMAP RFC to be case insensitive, but I can see why it would create a problem in this case (no pun intentend :) ).


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