Hi Aaron,

> In CVS, lower() has been removed from all mailbox queries to allow for case
> sensitive mailbox names (as is common for Unix filesystem based mailers).

Nope. The lower() has been removed from every mailbox except for the
INBOX. According to the RFC the INBOX has to be case insensitive.

db.c (we should change the query to WHERE LOWER(name) = 'inbox'):
        /* if we check the INBOX, we need to be case insensitive */
        if (strncasecmp(name, "INBOX", 5) == 0) {
                snprintf(query, DEF_QUERYSIZE,
                         "SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM mailboxes "
                         "WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('%s') "
                         "AND owner_idnr='%llu'", name, owner_idnr);
        } else {
                snprintf(query, DEF_QUERYSIZE,
                         "SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM mailboxes "
                         "WHERE name='%s' AND owner_idnr='%llu'", name,

http://www.tmueller.com for pgp key (95702B3B)

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